Outdoor Education and the Walkabout Curriculum

Outdoor education is part of every day at Spirit of Play, as the children are engaged in their environment within and outside of the school grounds.

Years 1 to 6 each spend one day a week on Walkabout, an opportunity to integrate all the curriculum areas in a meaningful exploration of the local environment and visiting community organisations.

We explore the world and look for occasions and ways of giving back to the land, saying thank you and appreciating this beautiful country.

The children are encouraged to help those younger or less capable than themselves. We have sharing circles aimed at deepening the connections within the group and strengthening the children’s communication and their understanding of the occasions we share. The children have a walkabout diary that allows them to keep a record of what we did each week, reflect and share with each other what was good and what was hard. These books provide the basis for further explorations as we go to the library and internet to research any queries or anything that they have been inspired by out in the bush.

I believe free imaginative play and connection with nature in childhood plays a significant role in developing children’s sense of awareness and attentiveness. I feel privileged to work at Spirit of Play where I see these things being realised.

-Kanae Jones, Educational Assistant, 2015